Fusion Gitana hosted for the first time in the United States, legendary Arabic Music composer and Musician Mario Kirlis. All the way...
Flamenco Arabe workshop with Zizi Zabaneh
Our Artistic Director ZiZi taught an incredible Flamenco Arabe workshop for our Caravan of Dancers II Festival. #FlamencoArabe...
Belly Dance workshop with Lebanese Simon
Back by popular demand! Fusion Gitana was honored to host Lebanese Simon for our second Caravan of Dancers festival! #Bellydance...
Fan Veil workshop with Sthefany Belly Passion
Fusion Gitana was honored to host a belly dance workshop with Sthefany of Belly Passion. All the way from Bogota, Colombia. #Bellydance...
Fusion Gitana hosted Omayra Amaya
Flamenco workshop by Omayra Amaya, a modern flamenco dancer and choreographer deeply rooted in proud gypsy tradition. The daughter of...
Flamenco Workshop with Antonio Arrebola
Fusion Gitana hosted the amazing Antonio Arrebola. Antonio has been recognized on the international scene, elating audiences in the...
Belly Dance workshops with Lebanese Simon!
Fusion Gitana had the amazing Lebanese Simon from Houston, Texas as part of our first ever Caravan of Dancers Weekend festival (November...
Our students getting ready for their first performance at Caravan of Dancers 2018.
#FusionGitana #DanceMiami #BellydanceMiami #FlamencoMiami #ZiziZabaneh
Fusion Gitana in Key West
Our beautiful dancers (left to right) Nora, Yara, Alla, Maria Lechuga, Liz, Zizi, Maria Llorca, Irina and Evelyn did an outstanding job...